Fighting Climate Inaction- With A Hashtag?

William Rehm
1 min readFeb 9, 2022

Maybe you missed it: the World Economic Forum (WEF) has declared climate inaction to be the worlds greatest threat. Their report (link below) leads to a basic question: how do we tag and communicate inaction when we see it?

When you see climate inaction, do the right thing and call it out with the hashtag #FTA

Eco-friendly folks lack a simple game piece: a hashtag to call out inaction. Photo: Deedstack

Oddly, there are few social media tags for ordinary folks to use when they spot inaction. Without a common shortcode to call it out, inaction will continue to fester and thrive in the shadows.

To help folks shine the light on it, we suggest everyone use the #FTA hashtag (an acronym for Failure To Act). Companies ignoring scope 3 emissions: #FTA. Hundreds of billions in unused loyalty and rewards that can’t be used to help Earth: #FTA. Boards, CMOs and CFOs without climate strategies: #FTA. Your neighbor down the street who doesn’t recycle- probably not- let’s focus on big failures for now.

Giving folks more agency around climate action is super important. Helping them surface, tag, and share inaction is part of that.

WEF Report Link 2022(.pdf download):

Will is the founder of Deedstack Inc., a Web3 climate action and lifestyle startup in Boulder, Colorado.



William Rehm

Earthling, sustainability entrepreneur